CS-Cal - SF-Graph

With the entered Doses and corresponding Seed numbers and colonie counts the requested models are fitted.
Basic graphs are displayed in the SF-Graph tab

Customize the graph

Customize a series' graph: Select a Dataset.
Either click the series in the graph with left mouse button (line or data points), or select the series with the Dataset spin edit.

Now you may modify the selected data set's style by clicking any of the formating buttons
- color
- symbol
- symbol size
- filled/empty smbols
- symbol pensize
- line style
- line pensize

Set fonts

Right click into x/y-axis, series legend, title:

From the context menu set
- Text
- Font (face, color, style
- Frame for each legend/title - x-axes
- y-axes
- graph tigtle
- series legend

Click Series legend with left mouse butoon and move it (left mouse pressed) to a position you prefer.

Add marker for a specific Dose/SF on a particular data set.

Select the data set (see above).
Right mouseclick into the graph.

From context menu select:
- Add DOSE marker for selected series - Add SF marker for selected series From the fitted model, corresponding SF/Dose are computed, and marker lines are added to the graph.
- Remove all DOSE Go to the Preferences tab to modify general graph settings (grids, scaling range, ...), additional graph features.


Click the "Camera" button to take a snapshot from the graph and place it into clipboard (without Menu, Tabsheets, Tool- or Statusbars, ...),

Shift+Click Camera button = save graph as bitmap image. Select filtetype:

Ctrl+Click Camera button = save graph as WindowsMetaFile (*.wmf).
WMF is a vector format, allowing to change the size of the graph without qulity losses (e.g. in MicroSoft PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress or
You may even select individual components of the graph, reposition them, change propertites like color, font, ...

Click this button to switch between Linear / Log scaling of Y-axes:
Linear scaling:

Log scaling:

Default is log scaling.