CS-Cal development history

  Latest version V1.60j from 03.12.2018
30.11.2018    Export of Graph as WMF added (Ctrl+Click camera button).

15.03.2018    Simulation data generator (Main menu | Demo data | Data generator).

05.05.2016    Error estimate for RBE computation added.

03.12.2014    A third - Linear-Quadratic-Cubic-Model (LQCM) - may be fitted to the data.

09.09.2014    Define and show markers for certain Dose/SF points =>SF-Graph.

12.05.2014    Check of data plausability:
- too few dose points
- low number of replicates
- too high max. SF, i.e. low irradiation effect

08.03.2014    Computation ef BED, EQD2 with Fractionation calculator.

13.12.2012    For the linear quadratic model, additionally extrapolation number (n), quasi threshold dose (Dq) and mean lethal dose (D0) are deduced from the most linear part of the measured data at highest analyzed dose range.
CLick respective ooption on Prefernces tabsheet to view data in SF-graph.

16.11.2012    Pair wise statistics added

26.10.2012    If muliple series data are analyzed, all SF may be normalized by the 0-dose SF from one user defined series.

20.10.2012 More customization options on Preferences tabsheet:
Fonts for all all titel,legends, scale, y-axis scale format, axis width, ...
Numeric format on y-axis
Series legend panel may be freely placed within chart
Graph size may be defined fix, independant of program window size

16.06.2012 Fractionation calculator added.

11.06.2012 RBE-Graph added.

11.01.2012 Customize color,symbol style and size, regression line style for the individual graphs.

15.03.2010 Original implementation.