CS-Cal - Data entry

When you start CS-Cal the data entry page is displayed:

Enter your data:

In first row, first column you may enter a Name for the dataset, which is also used lateron in the graphs.

In first row, second column you may add graph formating information and type of analysis (linear / liner-quadratic model). Click this cell and use the tool bar buttons to set the available parameters:

In the following lines, enter your data into the corresponding columns:

Dose In this column you should enter the dose by which the cells were treated.
e.g. radioactive dose in Gray, or concentration of chemicals, ...
(if this field is empty the whole line will be skipped)

Seed #    The number of cells seeded into the culture plates / flasks for the respective dose
Obviously, this number must be larger zero, otherwise computations will generate errors.

Rep-1... Number of counted colonies for the respective dose. As many replicated counts in the corresponding columns.
Colony counts should be larger zero !!

Anywhere, you may add lines containing overall formating information.
Such lines has to start with a doubkle colon "::".
At present the following formatng commands are available:
sf-graph.title.text=anytext   define the title text for the SF-graph
Anywhere, you may add comment lines starting with a # character.

!! NB:
CS-Cal tries to convert the entered values into numbers. ANY value which can not be converted into a number will be used as 0 !!
CS-Cal tries to convert German decimal-comma into international decimal-point (0,123 => 0.123) automatically.

Instead of entering data you may also paste data: Click the target cell and select
Main menu | Edit | Paste or click the corresponding tool-bar button.

When done with data entering, you may save the data set as tab-delimited text file with
Man menu | File | Save as or click the respective tool-bar button.

A previously saved data-set may be loaded with
Main menu | File | Open or click the respective tool-bar button.


As soon as all data are entered click the respective COMPUTE button to perform the analysis:

CS-Cal checks:

Is the first row / first column a text => use it as name for the analysis. If not a Dialog requests to enter a name for the analysis.

All followng lines are used as clonogenic data, until a line is found where the Dose field is empty.

Results are displayed in the other data tabs.


In case you have multiple datasets you want to analyze and display the results in the same graph, you may place data multiple sets divided by one (or multiple) empty lines into the Input data tab-sheet:

Now click into a datset, then click the Compute - PHOTON / Compute - Carbon, Proton button to compute a single dataset.

In case you have defined the analysis type for each dataset, simply dpouble-click into a dataset.
Alternatively click the Compute - ALL button to evaluate all entered datasets with the defined linear/linear-quadratic models.

For each analyses, result data are displayed in Result-Table and Result Summary tab sheets. To reuse these data in other applications, copy them out of these tab-sheets.

If you want to view the graphs from all analyses together, go to the Preferences tab-sheet and un-check the Empty chart before new computation check-box: