Network viewer

See a detailed description of SUMO's Net viewer.

A basic tool to visualize networks.


Manually arrange nodes:

Move nodes:

Change nodes settings:

Right mouse click. From context menu select to change:


Double click a node to visit the web-link associated with this node (only if a web-link was defined for this node).

Create a new node

Right click with mouse into the window.
From context menu select: New node. Or select from Main menu | Edit | New nodes



File - Menu

Load - a previously network created and saved with NetBuilder.

Save - the presen network.

Print - the network as displayed.

Edit - Menu

New Node - Create a new node.

Find - Search for node names.

Copy all names - Copy names of ALLl nodes as list, one name per line, to clipboard.

Copy selected names - Copy names of SELECTED nodes as list, one name per line, to clipboard.


Node info - Show an info panel displaying some info about the selected node:

Click right mouse butto into info panel to copy the node info into clipboard.

See a detailed description of SUMO's Net viewer.