Single-, two-, multi-class SAM

These SAM versions are extensions of




Single Class SAM

In this version of SAM genes are searched which show clear regulation throughout all selected hybridisdations.

Basic test statistic is a single class T-test.



Gene lists may be visualised and saved as




Two class SAM

In this version of SAM genes are searched which can distinguish between two groups of hybridisations (e.g. cancer <=> normal).

Basic test statistic is a two class T-test.



Gene lists may be visualised and saved as




Multi class SAM

In this version of SAM genes are searched which can distinguish between three or more sub-groups of hybridisations
(e.g. kidney <=> liver <=> pancreas <=> lung <=> brain <=> ...).
The present version can handle a maximum of 12 independant groups.

Basic test statistic is ANOVA



Gene lists may be visualised and saved as

In  the SAM graph you find only the upper right quadrant (both x-  / and y-axis have only positive values).
Also, you only find selections for positive significant and non significant genes.

last edited 26.04.2006